11th International Conference of Contemporary Oncology in Poznań

11th International Conference of Contemporary Oncology took place in Poznań, Poland between the 13th and 15th of March. ICCVS had a strong representation there, namely Ala, Irena, Natalia, Sara, Sachin, Ted and myself (Zuza). Ted gave a talk introducing ICCVS and describing the kind of research we’re interested in; the rest of us presented posters (see attached pictures). The conference focused on clinical aspects of immunotherapy with a few talks on molecular biology. The most interesting talks (in my opinion) were covered in Novel Cancer Therapeutics sessions and covered novel approaches to cancer treatment that are still the in pre-clinical phase.

Additionally, there were a lot of talks summarizinig clinical trials of different drugs (including immunotherapeutics, chemotherapeutics and small molecule inhibitors). A complete novelty to me was a presentation by professor Pravin Sehgal from New York Medical College on membraneless organelles, which are formed by phase separation and have no membrane (for example nucleoli in the nucleus).

After the conference we went for a walk in Poznan old town. We had a great time!

Zuzanna Urban-Wójciuk