Meet Our Team: Human Cancer Models Group
2020 Foundation for Polish Science Prizes ceremony
Łukasz Arcimowicz in the Board of the Intercollegiate Doctoral School of Biotechnology
A new AI-supported personalized medicine system for the treatment of kidney cancer. New project at UG
Artur Piróg from ICCVS – laureate of MINIATURA 4
“SARS-CoV-2 co-infections, COVID-19 co-infections database” – new research project at the University of Gdańsk
New equipment has arrived to ICCVS!
International Forum of Biodiversity, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Biosecurity (4BIO)
David Goodlett from ICCVS appointed as a new research chair at the University of Victoria
Umesh Kalathiya from ICCVS – laureate of SONATINA 4