New PhD awarded in ICCVS

We are happy to report that the University of Gdańsk and International Centre for Cancer Vaccine Science (ICCVS) student Katarzyna Dziubek has been awarded a PhD degree. The public defense took place on the 14th of June 2024.  Katarzyna successfully defended her thesis on “Dissecting the mechanism and functional landscape of cancer PD1 signaling in osteosarcoma”.

The research was done under the supervision of Prof. dr Theodore Hupp and dr Sachin Kote from ICCVS. The reviewers are Prof. David Saliba – Faculty of Health Sciences, Università di Malta, dr Amy K. LeBlanc, D.V.M. – Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health and Prof. Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan – Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics within the College of Natural Science, Michigan State University.

Congratulations to the newly awarded PhD, the whole team wishes you further success in your research achievements.

Would you like to learn more about the research, please go to: