Mobility fellowship to Brno for Łukasz Arcimowicz

Łukasz Arcimowicz, ICCVS PhD student, has been awarded the Visegrad Fellowship to conduct research at the Research Center for Applied Molecular Oncology at Masaryk Memorial Cancer Insitute in Brno/ Czechia. He will be hosted for 10 weeks by the group of Bořivoj Vojtěšek. His stay will be focused on developing novel therapeutic strategies against oesophageal cancer. Congratulations!

The Visegrad Fellowship Program offers funding of individual short-term stays for V4 scholars, lecturers, and researchers (citizens of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, or Slovakia) in V4 countries others than that of their citizenship. The Visegrad Fund Fellowships are provided for a limited period ranging from 2 to 10 weeks during which the respective Fellow from the V4 country is to conduct (or participate in) concrete research project, hold lecture(s) or seminars at a higher-education level, or study or review specific sets of written or other materials available in a public archive or library.