Habilitation for dr inż. Umesh Kalathiya

We are delighted to report that the Discipline Council for Biological Science of the University of Gdańsk officially confered the academic degree of habilitated doctor to our principal investigator, dr inż. Umesh Kalathiya. The title of the habilitation is “Molecular basis for innovative strategies of vaccine or drug development by exploring structural features of different functional proteins” and included seven scientific papers. His research is focused on conceptualizing the structural and functional aspects of proteins / enzymes providing novel insights in the field of innovative vaccine design or drug development. These works describing basic and application studies are the outcome of strong interdisciplinary collaboration with academic research universities.

The habilitation candidate received reviews, in which special attention was given to the very rich achievements submitted to obtain the habilitation degree, involving 26 papers indexed by the Web of science (in total, the candidate submitted 30 publications). Dr hab.inż. Umesh Kalathiya participated in 6 research projects financed by the funds of the National Science Center, Poland, The National Centre for Research and Development, Poland, UGrants-START, and Medical Research Scotland. He participated in several conferences and completed scientific internship at Indian Institute of Technology, India.

Congratulations dr hab. inż Umesh Kalathiya and ICCVS wishes you further success in your research achievements!

More information: https://bip.ug.edu.pl/st-tyt_nauk/114161/umesh_kalathiya