The EuroScience Open Forum 2024

On 12th of June prof. Natalia  Marek-Trzonkowska, Director of ICCVS was a speaker at EuroScience Open Forum panel on how to build capacity in Research Excellence. This year, an 11th edition of ESOF took place in Poland, in Katowice. ESOF2024 is one of the most significant international conferences, having an impact on the science and world transformation. During the event, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians, journalists and inhabitants discuss the latest scientific achievements, the arts and their impact on society.
The main topics discussed by us during the panel were:
-> Defining Research Excellence
-> How can institutions maximise the benefits of the ERA widening program in tandem with their institutional strategies?
-> Considering successful investment strategies in other countries, like Singapore or China, focussing on building research excellence, what lessons can Europe learn from these approaches? Are similar strategies applicable in the European context?
-> What are the key components of a unified ‘Team Europe’ approach to research excellence, and how can this be achieved? What regulatory and infrastructural frameworks are necessary to support this vision?

Thanks to the distinguished panellists Anna Plater-Zyberk Head of Office of International Cooperation at Polish Academy of Sciences and Marta Agostinho an Executive Director at EU-LIFE, as well as valuable chair of the session Michiel Kolman a Senior Vice President at Elsevier, chair of the Inclusive Publishing & Literacy committee the session engaged the audience in very lively discussion.

The main conclusions were:
-> The excellent research pushes the boundaries of knowledge by generating new insides, theories and approaches out of the box.
-> The excellent research is done by talented researchers. Therefore, the Team is the first crucial element of excellent research. Creating the team should go first before investments in infrastructure.
-> Research programmes for widening countries should be continued, however more focus should be put on joint research of the partners.
-> To be successful, the solutions for building research and innovation capacity initiated by the widening programmes, need to be supported by the following actions of the national governments.

Thanks to ALL PARTICIPANTS for your contribution!