The new project ERA SHUTTLE – Accelerating ERA by Sharing Unique Talents for healThy Life and Environment has started in September. Its implementation was launched at the Kick-Off meeting held in wonderful Split in Croatia. The meeting has been opened by prof. Igor Jerković, Vice-Rector for Science and Quality at the University of Split. We were delighted to join this meeting as leader of the UG project team (Izabela Raszczyk) and project manager at UG (Dominika Butkiewicz). Eight Project Partners from Croatia, Malta, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Poland met to plan, discuss and learn in order to realise all activities with success and satisfaction. ICCVS is one of the participating partners responsible for several tasks connected to capacity building and knowledge transfer, training for research talents and administrative staff. The project is financed by the European Union in the frame of HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions. The financing granted from Horizon Europe to the consortium amounts to 3 million EUR, over 500 000 EUR is dedicated to ICCVS UG tasks.
Stay tuned for news about the upcoming activities and results of the project!
A very interesting workshop is coming this November …
Dominika Butkiewicz & Izabela Raszczyk